Network Connectivity

It all starts with a network connection —to the Internet, a data center or between sites.

Your business depends onreliable, high speed Internet and site-to-site connectivity. However, there’s more to connectivity than just bandwidth. When it comes to the core network services that your business uses, it’s critical to know the details. No two providers or networks are alike.

We’ve worked with all the major US carriers and many of the top global network providers. With access to carrier fiber maps, data center listings and lit building locations, we offer the independent guidance you need to design robust network solutions and choose providers with confidence.

Network Connectivity


Software Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN) are changing the way enterprises are building networks. Combining multiple broadband, wireless, and dedicated fiber Internet circuits with intelligent routing, network optimization and security, SD-WAN solutions can provide improved performance, greater reliability and lower cost over single-provider MPLS  or self-managed IP VPN networks.

DIA and IP Transit

Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) is the foundation of many business networks. With fiber access circuits connecting customer sites to ISPs at regional data centers, DIA provides an on-ramp from commercial buildings to the Internet at speeds from 10M to 10G. While IP Transit is available at major data centers and carrier points of presence (POPs) with speeds up to 100G.

Broadband Internet

Broadband Internet availability is growing fast with rapid expansion of cable and fixed wireless ISPs. Priced below DIA, broadband Internet is often characterized by asymmetric upload vs. download speeds and potential for congestion during peak periods. When available, it can be a good solution for SMBs and work well as a secondary ISP on SD-WAN solutions. 


Transport services are designed to deliver need high capacity between two or more locations. Ethernet Private Line (EPL) and Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) offer Layer 2 connectivity and are typically built with a ring topology, offering dual route protection in the event of a failure. 

Wavelength and dark fiber services are dedicated Layer 1 point-to-point connections, most often used to link customer data centers. You install your own Layer 2 equipment and can get speeds up to 100G. 

Cloud Direct Connect

Direct connects provide access to leading cloud providers like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. Originally direct connects relied on dedicated transport circuits between a customer site and a single cloud provider. Now, multi-cloud connections can provide access to several cloud providers from SD-WAN or MPLS networks, or an Internet circuit.

Network Monitoring

Circuit monitoring is available to our Internet service customers at no additional cost. Your circuit is regularly pinged from two geographically diverse locations, you get access to historical performance reports and can be automatically notified in the event of an outage.

Take it a step further with fully managed trouble reporting and ticket resolution. When an outage occurs, the network operations center (NOC) contacts your provider, opens a ticket and follows that ticket through to resolution.

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